Financial Plans & Reports 2019-01-31T19:58:41+00:00

Financial Planning

Planning is key to long-term success.  The business may not hit the Plan (maybe you’ll exceed the plan!), but without one it’s impossible to know how pricing, hiring and other decisions will affect financial results and the cash balance. Important considerations include:

  • 3-5 year strategic plans
  • Annual budget or operating plan
  • Periodic sales, spending, and cash forecasts
  • What-if analysis and financial modeling

Financial Reporting

Planning is great, but how is the business actually doing? What are the key metrics to monitor the health of the company? What keeps you up at night? How will investors look at your business? What can you do to drive improvement?

Don’t let your financial data get stale and go to waste.  We can provide:

  • Live real-time financial dashboards
  • No waiting a month for last months results!
  • Financial results v budget, with explanations and plans to get on track
  • Ready to hold your management team fiscally accountable?
  • Custom reports specific to your business to analyze your risks and opportunities
  • Prefer charts, tables, one-page? Get the information you need the way you want it